
Schematron is a convenient tool for applying rules to automatically detect problems appearing in the content of an XML file. Schematron works in tandem with a DTD or Schema. A DTD or Schema provides a vocabulary that defines the names of XML elements and attributes and controls the structure of a document. The Schematron provides rules that can control or surface specific things within a document.

The Schematron for JATS 1.2 is used to check all JATS 1.2 files that are delivered to Taylor & Francis as part of the online validation service. The Schematron is also available to download and use locally. One example of how the Schematron can be used locally is that oXygen XML Editor can be configured to run Schematron automatically while editing an XML file. The Schematron can also be incorporated into quality control and reporting tools.

Detailed information about the validation rules that are contained within the Schematron is available in the Schematron Rules Documentation.

The Schematron contains different phases that are to be used in different workflow scenarios. Each Schematron phase includes a certain set of the validation rules that are relevant to the phase, while other validation rules that are not relevant are excluded from the phase. The phases are as follows:

  • current_content - Used for current journal content in production.
  • scanned_content - Used for retrodigitization projects where XML is created from PDF or hard copy source materials.
  • converted_content - Used for content that has been converted to JATS 1.2 from pre-existing digital files in a different format.
  • rendering_alerts - Used to produce warning and informational messages in the JATS Online Advances Rendering.

The validation messages produced by Schematron are classified by different severity levels.

Severity Level (Role) Meaning Validation Result
Error The problem described by the message must be corrected. Fail
Warning An alert to a possible problem that was detected in the file, or a problem that should be corrected but is not severe enough to stop the file from publishing. Pass
Info An informational alert Pass

The Schematron is available on the Download page. The following files are included in the zip package:

  • jats.sch - the Schematron for JATS 1.2
  • jats_phase_current_content.xsl - pre-compiled XSLT for the current_content phase
  • jats_phase_scanned_content.xsl - pre-compiled XSLT for the scanned_content phase
  • jats_phase_converted_content.xsl - pre-compiled XSLT for the converted_content phase

Please note that we are asking for feedback to improve the validation rules. New versions of the Schematron will be made available as and when required.