Data Citations

Data citations should be tagged using mixed-citation. <mixed-citation> reference captures fully tagged reference data and preserve all punctuation and formatting.

The following elements and attributes are should be used in data citations:

  • publication-type attribute should contain “data”

  • <data-title> to capture the title of the data set

  • <version> to capture the version of the data set if provided

  • <source> to capture the name of the repository or website

  • Use <pub-id pub-id-type="doi"> to capture DOI URL if provided

  • Use <ext-link ext-link-type="uri"> to capture non-DOI URL if provided

Data citations should be tagged where they appear in the references list and in the Data Availability section.


The following example shows the correct JATS tagging to use for a reference to a dataset. The APA reference style is used in this example. The correct JATS tagging should be applied using the reference style that is appropriate for the journal.


<ref><mixed-citation publication-type="data"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name><surname>Researcher</surname>, <given-names>A.</given-names></string-name>, <string-name><surname>Researcher</surname>, <given-names>B.</given-names></string-name>, &amp; <string-name><surname>Researcher</surname>, <given-names>C.</given-names></string-name></person-group> (<year>yyyy</year>). <data-title>Title of dataset: Subtitle</data-title> [Dataset]. <source>Name of Archive/Repository/Database</source>. Retrieved from <pub-id pub-id-type="doi"></pub-id> OR <pub-id pub-id-type="doi"></pub-id> OR <ext-link ext-link-type="uri">https://[non-DOI URL]</ext-link>.</mixed-citation></ref> 

Tagged reference for a dataset in Figshare:

<ref><mixed-citation publication-type="data"><person-group person-group-type="author"><string-name><surname>Delpeuch</surname>, <given-names>Antonin</given-names></string-name></person-group>. <data-title>Aligned ISNI and Ringgold identifiers for institutions</data-title> [Dataset]. <source>Zenodo</source>. <version>Version 3</version>. Retrieved from <pub-id pub-id-type="doi"></pub-id>, accessed <date-in-citation content-type="access-date"><month>June</month> <day>14</day>, <year>2019</year></date-in-citation>.</mixed-citation></ref>