Journal Metadata

Both article and issue XML contains information to identify the journal that an article or issue belongs to. The <journal-meta> element is required and must include <journal-id>, <journal-title>, <issn>, and <publisher>.


The <journal-id> element contains an identifier, typically a unique code or abbreviation that is assigned to a journal and used to identify a journal. The <journal-id> element should be tagged with @journal-id-type attribute value “publisher-id”. The publisher-id is the identifier for the incarnation of the journal unique to each title change. This is assigned by Taylor & Francis and includes both the 4-character acronym and the two-digit incarnation value.


The title of the journal must be tagged in the <journal-title> element within the container element. If a subtitle is present, it should be tagged in <journal-subtitle> after the <journal-title>.

See the document on alt-title for more information on how the title should be tagged to appear in the running heads of an article.


If available, both the print and electronic/online ISSN should be tagged within the <journal-meta> element. At least one must be tagged.

<issn pub-type="ppub">0145-9740 <issn pub-type="epub">1545-5882

For more information, see the documentation on ISSN. [link to ISSN analysis]


The <publisher> element is a container element for information about the person, company, or imprint that publishes the journal. The <publisher> element should contain one or more elements, notably <publisher-name>. The <publisher-name> is the name of the person, company, or imprint that publishes the journal.



Correct example of the <journal-meta> element with the new rule of only having one journal-id in <journal-meta>:

<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">gmea20</journal-id> 
<journal-title>Medical Anthropology</journal-title> 
<journal-subtitle>Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness</journal-subtitle> 
<issn pub-type="ppub">0145-9740</issn> 
<issn pub-type="epub">1545-5882</issn> 
<publisher-name>Taylor &amp; Francis</publisher-name> 

Incorrect example of the element. This is incorrect because should not be used.

<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">GMEA</journal-id> 
<journal-id journal-id-type="title-id">gmea20</journal-id> 
<journal-title>Medical Anthropology</journal-title> 
<journal-subtitle>Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness</journal-subtitle> 
<issn pub-type="ppub">0145-9740</issn> 
<issn pub-type="epub">1545-5882</issn> 
<publisher-name>Taylor & Francis</publisher-name> 

An example of how the publisher-id can differ. Specifically, the Journal of Public Affairs Education used to be named the Journal of Public Administration Education. See how the publisher-id differs with the title change:

<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">upae19</journal-id> 
<journal-title>Journal of Public Administration Education</journal-title> 

<issn pub-type="ppub">1087-7789</issn> 
<issn pub-type="epub">2328-9635</issn> 
<publisher-name>Taylor &#x0026; Francis</publisher-name> 



<journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">upae20</journal-id> 
<journal-title>Journal of Public Affairs Education</journal-title> 

<issn pub-type="ppub">1523-6803</issn> 
<issn pub-type="epub">2328-9643</issn> 
<publisher><publisher-name>Taylor &amp; Francis</publisher-name></publisher> 
