Issue XML Table of Contents

The issue XML is a separate file to be included in the issue folder that contains issue-identifying information (such as journal title, volume, and issue) and a includes a manifest of articles in the issue. Journal and issue information in the issue XML must match the information in XML of each article in the issue. The issue XML must be included when providing a complete issue.

Elements and attributes:

  • <journal-meta> holds journal information that should repeat within each article XML in the issue.

  • <issue-meta> hold information about the issue, most of which should repeat within each article XML in the issue.

  • <toc> contains call-outs to each article XML in the issue.


All Issue XML files for Taylor & Francis JATS 1.2 files must begin with a DOCTYPE declaration that includes the public identifier and the complete system URL as shown here:

<!DOCTYPE issue-xml PUBLIC "-//Atypon//DTD Atypon JATS Journal Archiving and Interchange Issue XML DTD v1.1 20160222//EN" "">

Public Identifiers and URLs

The following public identifier and URL must be used in Issue XML for JATS 1.2 files for Taylor & Francis content.

Journal Information

The <journal-meta> element should include the journal title and subtitle (if applicable), ISSNs, publisher name, and journal identifiers. See the section on journal metadata for details.

Issue Information

The <issue-meta> element contains information specific to the issue.

The @issue-type attribute on <issue-meta> should be set to “normal” for most issues. For supplement issues @issue-type should be set to “volume-suppl”.

<pub-date> must be included in <issue-meta> to provide an estimated online publication date and/or a cover date. See the topic on publication dates for additional information about pub-date. An online publication date, which may be estimated, should be tagged using @publication-format attribute with value “electronic” and @date-type attribute with value “epub”, and contain a day, month, and year. This date will be provided in cats.xml as the control date for the issue.

<pub-date publication-format="electronic" date-type="epub"> 





If the issue has a cover date, the cover date should be tagged using @publication-format attribute with value “print” and @date-type attribute with value “cover”. The cover date should be tagged in <string-date> element. The year should also be tagged in a <year> element, and to the degree possible the month and day should be tagged in <month> and <day> elements. Cover months are not normally used in current content, and more commonly are found in retrodigitized or archive content.

<pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="cover"> 



    <string-date>February 2019</string-date> 


The volume number should be tagged in the <volume> element, and the issue number should be tagged in the <issue> element. If the issue has a title, the issue’s title should be tagged in the <issue-title> element. See the section on Issue Metadata for details.

If an issue’s table of contents includes the names of guest editors, the guest editors can be tagged in a <contrib-group> element within <issue-meta>.

Table of Contents

The <toc> element contains a table of contents for the issue, including callouts to each article in the issue.

Each article in the issue should have an <issue-article-meta> that contains an <article-id> element to hold the article DOI and a <self-uri> element to hold a relative path to the article XML.

Section headings can be tagged by placing a <issue-subject-group> element around the articles in a section, and using a <issue-subject-title> element and <subject> element to hold the section heading. Any additional text about the section can be tagged in <issue-subject-title> using the <p> element.


Issue table of contents including issue title, guest editors, section headings, cover date, and estimated online publication date

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<!DOCTYPE issue-xml 
  PUBLIC "-//Atypon//DTD Atypon JATS Journal Archiving and Interchange Issue XML DTD v1.1 20160222//EN" ""> 
<issue-xml xmlns:xlink=""> 
    <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher-id">wwat20</journal-id> 
      <journal-title>Women &amp; Therapy</journal-title> 
    <issn pub-type="ppub">0270-3149</issn> 
    <issn pub-type="epub">1541-0315</issn> 
  <issue-meta issue-type="normal"> 
      <contrib contrib-type="guest-editor"> 
        <string-name><degrees>Dr.</degrees> <given-names>Wendi</given-names> <surname>Williams</surname></string-name> 
      <contrib contrib-type="guest-editor"> 
        <string-name><degrees>Dr.</degrees> <given-names>Leslie</given-names> <surname>Jackson</surname></string-name> 
    <pub-date publication-format="electronic" date-type="control"> 
    <pub-date publication-format="print" date-type="cover"> 
    <issue-title>Feminist/Womanist/Intersectional Approaches to Interventions with Black Girls and Women</issue-title> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622899</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622899/WWAT_A_1622899_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622907</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622907/WWAT_A_1622907_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622900</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622900/WWAT_A_1622900_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622908</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622908/WWAT_A_1622908_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622909</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622909/WWAT_A_1622909_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622911</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622911/WWAT_A_1622911_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622910</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622910/WWAT_A_1622910_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622912</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622912/WWAT_A_1622912_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622913</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622913/WWAT_A_1622913_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622901</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622901/WWAT_A_1622901_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622902</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622902/WWAT_A_1622902_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622903</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622903/WWAT_A_1622903_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622904</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622904/WWAT_A_1622904_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622905</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622905/WWAT_A_1622905_J.xml"/> 
        <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1622906</article-id> 
        <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1622906/WWAT_A_1622906_J.xml"/> 
      <article-id pub-id-type="doi">10.1080/02703149.2019.1651021</article-id> 
      <self-uri content-type="jats" xlink:href="WWAT_A_1651021/WWAT_A_1651021_J.xml"/> 