Collaborative Group Authors

In an author list, when a collaborative group or organization is listed as an author the <collab> element should be used within <contrib> to tag the name of the group.

When an article has an author list that includes the name of a collaborative group and the article also includes a list of the individual people who contributed to the group, special tagging is required so that the article will be indexed properly with all of the contributors listed in PubMed.

If the article includes a list of the members of a collaborative group, the members of the group should be tagged in a <contrib-group> element with attribute content-type="investigator-list". The name of the group should be tagged in a <on-behalf-of> element. Each member of the group should be tagged using a <contrib> element with attribute contrib-type="collaborator">. The affiliations, ORCID identifier, and bio for each contributor may be included. The list of group members typically appears either on the opening page of an article or at the end of an article. If there are multiple collaborative groups each with a list of members, there should be a separate <contrib-group content-type="investigator-list"> for each list of group members.


This author list (from article 10.1080/20008198.2021.1929754 in journal ZEPT) has a collaborative group as an author:

author list showing a collab group name

In the author list, the group name should be tagged in a <collab> element. If there is a symbol that links the group name to the list of group members the symbol should be tagged in an <xref> element with attribute ref-type="collab". For instance (this example is abbreviated for space):

<contrib-group><contrib contrib-type="author">
    <collab>the GPS-CCC Consortium</collab>
    <xref ref-type="collab" rid="collab0001"><sup>&#x2020;</sup></xref>

Continuing this example, the members of the group GPS-CCC Consortium are listed. The list begins with the name of the group and then lists the name of each person, and may also include each person’s ORID and affiliations.

list showing the group name and each person who is a member of the group

The list of group members should be tagged in a <article-meta> using a <contrib-group> element with attribute content-type="investigator-list”. The group name should be tagged using an <on-behalf-of> element. Each group member should be tagged using a <contrib> element with attribute contrib-type="collaborator". For instance (this example is abbreviated for space):

<contrib-group content-type="investigator-list" id="collab0001">
    <on-behalf-of>GPS-CCC Consortium</on-behalf-of>
    <contrib contrib-type="collaborator">
        <name><surname>Aakvaag</surname><given-names>Helene F.</given-names></name>
        <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1001"/>
    <contrib contrib-type="collaborator">
        <contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid">0000-0001-9223-360X</contrib-id>
        <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1002"/>
    <contrib contrib-type="collaborator">
        <contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid">0000-0002-3993-8229</contrib-id>
        <xref ref-type="aff" rid="aff1003"/>
    </contrib><aff id="aff1001"><institution>Norwegian Centre for Violence and Traumatic Stress Studies</institution>, <city>Oslo</city>, <country>Norway</country></aff>
    <aff id="aff1002">Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, <institution>University of Zagreb</institution>, <city>Zagreb</city>, <country>Croatia</country></aff>
    <aff id="aff1003">Psychology Program, <institution>University of Nicosia</institution>, 1700 <city>Nicosia</city>, <country>Cyprus</country></aff></contrib-group>